
Reading a few other blogs I have found I am not the only one holding the opinion that Technology is making us anti-social.

I agree with the sentiments collated in

Regarding a picture of people waiting at a train station: Past= People reading the newspaper. Present= People reading their smartphone.

Brittanyweir95 suggests that we are losing our ability of face to face interacts. There must be some common social/moral decorum that goes with using technology, for example no phones at the dinner table, when you are socialising with friends i.e. at a party no socialising with your phone. How annoying is it when you have a meeting with someone and then their phone rings..

My customers at work do not even know how to line up in one line anymore. They walk in and decide on a spot to stand then all look around at each other trying to figure who should get served next.

The difference I see between the image of the Past is that all the people at the train station are reading the same news, this gives opportunity for them to discuss their views/ideas on the same topic. Where as Presently we are all reading different information, ideas and interests and there is no common ground to start on.

So this makes me question what is better.. Everyone being feed the same information and being able to discuss their ideas/opinions on one topic, having a common ground or Everyone having the opportunity to explore new information and ideas that interest them, but people come together with no common information and grounds to begin conversation??

On a second wave length also suggests we lose our ability to interact face to face. Saying we live in a virtual word, where we have Facebook, twitter friends, we may never have even meet. We can bully or express our feelings in words and send them to a “friend,” but would we really have the courage to say it face to face with someone.

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